I am writing to you all on this fine Hallow's Eve. It's been a day full of irritations and I needed to relieve part of by tension via writing and the other by spending much needed time with the girls. I do want to say that I am still going strong with dwindling funds (such a fun experiment) and I await being paid tomorrow! Today began with a fantastic workout at BR. Nothing clears my mind like a nice bout of physical activity. After that, I got home, showered, listened to my daily CNN podcast and went on my way. Being that our school hosts MWF and T/Th. classes, of course as teachers, we were to bring Halloween apparel to school to dress up on both Thursday and Friday. Now I am not sure when my enthusiasm for Halloween ceased...but it did...maybe about 10 years ago. Mer1 and I hit up some costume shops last night and I opted for the crown with hot pink gems and pink feathered scepter. For the duration of my childhood, I would accept nothing unless it was in the shades of hot pink or lavender. I momentarily regressed to my childhood and purchased these fabulous items for $6. Today, I was a princess (probably for about the 5th or 6th Halloween of my life).
Anyway, after my feelings of giddiness and nostalgia had subsided, I was kind of ticked that I had to show up in costume today, but whatever, it was all for the kids...and I was a princess! I arrived to work and had a bunch of report cards to work on and the day went rather smoothly. The final class I taught tonight is meant to facilitate a positive "learning environment" to two of the most idiotic children I have ever dealt with in my life. This class causes me to contemplate the idea of procreation and why it is done (specifically in these cases). Rooney is a festively plump young lad who comments on his love for chocolate cake and KFC, reads texts about puppies in monotone, belts out Korean pop songs and plays on his cell phone throughout class. Paul is Rooney's sidekick. Paul has a lisp and cannot say "is" for the life of him. We have practiced time and time again, but it has not registered. If either of the boys uses English terminology such as "Sex," foul word for female, foul word for crap, or a reference to male genetalia, all attention is lost to a howling laughter which continues (every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:40 to 7:20 pm) until the end of class.
After I left school, I entered the metro. It is very popular in Korea for people to begin boarding the train prior to those who need to exit are able to exit. Immediately after dealing with the spawn of Satan, Rooney and Paul, of course I was trapped on the metro by every Korean living in Seoul. Apparently the most popular theory is that the way to efficiently achieve full metro car capacity is to cram bodies into the car, rather than allowing some to exit, which of course would enable more room for travelers. I finally arrived home safe, sound and distraught to do laundry before my weekend travels. The other teachers and I plotted a reviving evening of watching Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. Once I made it to Mer1's room with the girls, all was right with the world (and I loooove Hocus Pocus!!!).
I will briefly recap on last weekend, which entailed a trek up some mountain on Sunday that Mer1 knew about. To be honest, I have no idea as to what it's name was and I just go where I am taken.
After I left school, I entered the metro. It is very popular in Korea for people to begin boarding the train prior to those who need to exit are able to exit. Immediately after dealing with the spawn of Satan, Rooney and Paul, of course I was trapped on the metro by every Korean living in Seoul. Apparently the most popular theory is that the way to efficiently achieve full metro car capacity is to cram bodies into the car, rather than allowing some to exit, which of course would enable more room for travelers. I finally arrived home safe, sound and distraught to do laundry before my weekend travels. The other teachers and I plotted a reviving evening of watching Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. Once I made it to Mer1's room with the girls, all was right with the world (and I loooove Hocus Pocus!!!).
I will briefly recap on last weekend, which entailed a trek up some mountain on Sunday that Mer1 knew about. To be honest, I have no idea as to what it's name was and I just go where I am taken.