Teacher's Day happened first amongst the array of events. Teacher's Day was equivalent to...Christmas. Aside from Christ's birth, the amount of gifts I received on this day aroused a tickle of Yuletide cheer inside my heart and made me consider re-signing for an additional year. Then, I came to the realization that such gifts would not be given to me on a daily, or even weekly, basis. Also, I contemplated the crying, whining, bloody noses, tattle-tales and fighting between students that I deal with...therefore no, I'll be home at the end of August. The fabulous items bestowed upon me included soap, shampoo, lotion, pizza, make up and gift certificates. The parents of my students were very generous and of course, I will put forth my best efforts in making fluent English speakers out of their offspring before I depart for the motherland.

Anyway, Herbnara was about 3 1/2 hours outside of Seoul. When we arrived, all of the teachers from both schools met in a conference room. Later, the foreign teachers and Korean teachers parted ways to have discussions pertinent to our individual teaching experiences. The owner of Herbnara is a close friend of Mrs. Yang and we were consequently scheduled to stay at this venue the same evening as a very popular music artist, Lee Moon Sae. After plenty of soju that Saturday evening, Mr. Yang
proceeded to inform me that the owner attempted to re-schedule the SLP gathering so Lee Moon Sae could stay in our executive lodgings, however Mrs. Yang would not budge. Now, I am very thankful to the Yangs for holding us in such high regards, but tell me, is this Lee Moon Sae character the caliber of say Bruce Springsteen (high) or Nick Lachey (very low)? I'd really like to know. Our time at Herbnara consisted of eating, bonding, drinking and bus riding. I thoroughly enjoy the time with my co-workers, but a weekend of rest and relaxation in my bed (not the floor) is the ultimate.

On a Tuesday evening a couple of weeks ago, my friend Sang Ho took me on a ferry boat ride
along the Han River (Hangang). The view was tremendous at night because all of the lights of the city made it amazing! I really need to make it a point to do more Korean things while I'm in Korea...that's why this was a perfect activity. The boat left at 9 p.m. and it ran for approximately an hour. Where I am living is also very close to the river and I enjoy walking or bike riding on the path which runs alongside the river. At this time of the year, the mosquitos are in abundance, but the weather is so nice in the evenings this time of year!

Costco was the most bittersweet experience I've had in South Korea thus far. First, you probably know, I love American things, particularly food. Costco is a haven for people such as myself who have about had it with octopus legs (which I will not eat) and other bizarre cuisine eaten in this land. I hauled my Latina self and my South African friend, Miranda, to Costco last Saturday. My shopping list included: tortillas, cheese, avocados, pineapple, Fiber One bars, V8 and Coke Light. I have ranted about tortillas before, every care package I receive contains tortillas and I cuddle up in my sarape blanket from Mexico every night. I can't shake my Hispanic roots. Cheese and avocados are vital with tortillas and I could live on those three ingredients for the rest of my life. Pineapple is my favorite fruit in the world and I consumed almost a whole pineapple in less than three days. The three remaining items on my list are things that I love and are very convenient when I'm "on the go." Liquor at an acceptable cost is also available at the Costco warehouse if you're curious. I was, so I slipped a little vodka into my cart for the weight of my cart to be balanced. I have finished telling you why Costco fulfilled "sweet" feelings, now I shall go on to describe why it was "bitter" as well.
Saturday is by far the most heinous day in Seoul when it comes to doing shopping or walking in public areas. I will not fib, for there are some weekends when I want to be reclusive in my little American apartment and forget that I am in Asia. That is another reason I went to Costco...I wanted to forget that rice is a staple food and that western items exist. On Sunday, I awoke with bruises because of the amount of shopping carts that slammed into me during my shopping adventure. Just a peek into my cart made my mouth water, so much in fact that I scurried to the check out. Surprise! Cash only! My ability to work under pressure and make instantaneous decisions is strong (just see my cover letter I wrote for job applications). My keen instinct noticed an ATM right outside of the check out so, I omitted the avocados and vodka that had been tightly gripped by my white knuckles, quickly hurled the correct amount of won at the cashier, shimmied to the ATM, did a round-about and low and behold, I was back in line with another pack of avocados and bottle of vodka. Whew. If that doesn't make you sweat, I don't know what would.
That about sums up my most recent Korean experiences. Oh, I also included a night scene of the Han River, but I didn't take it, so please do not feel obligated to "ooh and ahh." I hope all is well and I'll try to blog more often :)
See you soon!
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